3 Truths About Strength Training.

3 Truths About Strength Training

  1. Progressive overload should be in every Programme if you are looking to get stronger.

You could have the best Programme in the world, it could have the fancied name you’ve ever seen, marketed so well it will have people drooling for it.


If there is no progressive phase within the Programme, you WILL plateau.

It needs to have progressive overloads within the Programme. Now, progressive overload just doesn’t necessarily mean just chucking load of weight on the barbell. Although, adding weight is one form of progression we can see increasing of strength by;

  • Slowing the tempo of the movement down
  • Addig in pauses
  • Overload partial reps
  • Having less rest
  • Adding in more reps & sets

Just to name a few. You don’t always have to look to add more weight, especially if there is a few issues with certain movements.

2. Progress is not always linear.

At some point in your training, you will hit a plateau. There’s no doubt about it. There will be days that everything just feels super heavy and you can lift what you did the week before.

A lot of people when they don’t see progression will just give up and start hopping from Programme to prom hoping that will solve their problems.

Be patient. Be consistent.

3. It takes a LONG Time.

Unless you’re fairly new to lifting..then you’ll see progression quick.

Take it from me, strength training and gaining strength, hitting PBs can take a LOOOOOONG time.  I’ll let you into a little secret. I haven’t hit a PB on my back squat for about 2 years. So I haven’t really gained any strength there..that doesn’t mean I haven’t progressed. Technique has improved, it looks and feel more comfortable. (Would still be nice to hit a heavier weight though).

Don’t get stressed out by not hitting more weights every single cycle. It can take months or even years.

Everyone wants a quick fix or a magic pill but unfortunately there isn’t one.

Learn to lift properly.

You will get frustrated with training and yourself.

You will probably want to quit every now and then.

Preserve with it and you’ll learn to love training.

Coach Alex